Saturday, October 19, 2024

Learning to Live with Lipedema, Without Judgement

#withoutjudgement keeps coming up for me, primarily in my meditations. 

To notice things but place no judgement on them. To place no judgement on yourself.

Maybe you are like me and struggle to meditate, struggle to quiet your mind. Instead of thinking I am bad at meditation, and putting blame on myself for not “being better” and feeling shame over it, or worse stop doing it because it makes me feel vulnerable, I’ve learned it is not about the thoughts popping up, it is about being able to let them come and go without judgement. 

Breathing helps me refocus, when I’ve realized I’ve been distracted by a thought I focus on my breathing and let the thought fade away. I am completely present with myself in the moment.

Same goes for fitness. Show up for whatever class, movement, race, etc. you sign up for and participate without judgement. 

Maybe you are not where you were before, maybe a few days off due to illness, stressful work week, vacation, etc. derailed you and you feel like you lost all the momentum you built up. Life happens and we adapt, we still show up for the movement with compassion for ourselves.

It is not about the quantity, the duration, the weight you lift, it is about you. So important to tune in with yourself and take notice of emotional and physical cues and know you are doing the best you can in this given moment.

Letting go of judgement is so freeing. It lets you experience the moment and learn from it. Learn so much about our bodies, and ourselves and have compassion for ourselves and each other. 

We close the meditation with gratitude for showing up. For being present in this moment we set aside for ourselves. It is healing to feel that freedom and gratitude with my body. 

The ten minute nightly meditations have been so healing for me. Do you meditate?