Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lipedema and GLP-1 Update

For those who have been following along, I have been researching the #semaglutide meds for more than a year, and more recently #zepbound (a GLP-1 and GIP combo med). 

I became interested when a question was asked in our support group, and my research led me to a lipedema GLP-1 Facebook group with thousands of #lipedema patients trying the meds, and sharing their personal stories about how some of them were having almost overnight lipedema symptom reductions… that is my interest, and that is what I will personally be sharing about - changes to my lipedema symptoms. This is not a recommendation for these meds, everyone is different. Each has to do their own due diligence for their health.

Most note-worthy are the #antiinflammatory claims of reduced #swelling and #pain 

Over a year of research, several conversations w/ my doctor later, not to mention battles with my insurance, and a shortage of supply 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I eventually had the medication in hand last month, ready to begin my personal experiment.

Like many others, I immediately began noticing changes. Mainly reduced swelling…

My experience - regular bra stopped rolling, it stayed put and even my sports bra during/after CrossFit wasn’t a pain, #iykyk 

Not being so winded on my peloton rides so that I could sing every song out loud - big win for me, maybe not so much for my family 🤣

Knee pain that has been nagging for over 2 years since menopause, eased up a little, stood taller for longer. My theory is inner thigh lobules have less inflammation and my gait corrected a bit.

One major change was the inflammation in my face and an inflamed area on the back of my head, it was palm-sized and had been really bothering me, it is now flat and my jaw line is almost back to normal, the pain reduction in that alone has been such a gift. Photo below is the inflammation reduction in my face.

My body has softened, I can manipulate fascia much easier, which helps MLD work better, and the clarity I feel is amazing. Brain fog is gone. 

So far I have not had any side effects, I am very mindful of protein, water & fiber. I am on the .25 prep dose of #wegovy that is to slowly introduce my body to the meds. 

More to come.

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