Wisdom while riding…
I usually hear something on my #peloton rides (from the instructors) that leaves me thinking, well after the ride is over.
Tonight’s quote from the #arethafranklin ride was from the always inspirational #robinarzon - “reclaim the pen of your own story.”
It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you are at on your journey, it is yours and yours alone to write.
Things may happen along the path we walk to change what our story looks like, but at any point we can start writing a new chapter.
What do you want your story to be? Are you writing it? Are you living it? What one step can you make to steer you towards the story you dream of?
It can be literal, maybe purchase a new pen, new notebook, or less literal, what boundaries have you set in place, or feel like life has set in place to limit your story? What can we do to undo one of those?
Give yourself permission to start a new chapter. Buy the pen and start writing your dreams. Make a plan or just write #streamofconsciousness until new ideas begin to emerge.
There are no rules, no limits, dream big!
I’m taking the first step and buying this #crosspen the #wanderlustborneo Ballpoint Pen, or a similar one. Cross was always a big deal when I was in college, so how fitting to be drawn to it once again.
April from The Lipedema Journey and I will be talking all about boundaries as part of this year’s #mindfulmovement collaboration this Sunday at 2pm ET, hope you can join us.