Sunday, January 8, 2023

Rest & Recovery Post Compare

JANUARY 2023 Post: Physical & Emotional R&R

Rest & Recovery is a regular go-to for me on Sundays, our hardest workout day tends to be Saturdays and my body lets me know it needs that rest on Sunday. 

But the rest day is equally as important for our emotional well-being. 

Giving yourself permission to rest (isn’t that a powerful statement, I give myself permission) to let go of the heavy lifting (mentally). 

Sometimes rest days are an active recovery, like a walk in nature, a recovery bike ride, etc. but some rest days are completely unplugging and detaching from all the distractions our lives may be presenting.

All the focus on mindfulness, creating daily prompts, and really thinking things through has made me emotionally exhausted this week. 

Time to tap out. I’m going to take a shower, spend extra time on non Lipedema self care, and look for a nice recovery ride, because my bike has become a place I can do as the instructors tell us, and drop the baggage. 

Turn my headphones up high and sing along, sorry family 🤣 How are you unplugging today? 

#mindfulmovement #lipedemafitness #restday 

NOVEMBER 2022 Post: Purely Physical R&R

Rest and recovery days are so important, and part of that should be tuning in to your body and seeing what you notice. 

Did you have a hard workout and feel specific muscles you want to target in your recovery today? Did you tweak something that might need massage? Do you need extra sleep?

For me today is about my glutes, lats, and calves. The hard workout yesterday has left me with some very sore muscles and as I gently work on those that are screaming loudest, they start to ease up and some of the others will then start to speak up. 

The coolest thing I’m noticing is my sore bits are muscular from a hard workout, and not painful Lipedema bits.

The other great news is how my journey has progressed over the past ten years, now instead of my lower legs feeling like one big sore part of me, like a solid mass, I can isolate calf muscles that are sore, and feel them, so I can stretch them and massage them to ease them. 

I liked my vibration plate session this morning and looking at a recovery peloton ride to take as well.

How do you recover?


I find it interesting to review these two posts from a few months apart; one purely physical (from November) and today’s Mindful Movement Collaboration post that is both physical and emotional, with a lean towards the emotional rest needed.

I love how riding the bike in a Peloton recovery ride was the go-to for both ♥️

Finding an activity that can be helpful for both physical and emotional well-being is a win!

Sunday, January 1, 2023


Began in January with Amy Winehouse
For those that do not know, Peloton has a series of rides called their Artist Series, which are basically a 30 minute ride spotlighting one artist/band per ride, with various trainers leading the rides.

I began in January with #amywinehouse and then my friend justine joined in, and my sister a few weeks later.

The #queen ride was our first group ride, and to quote their song #dontstopmenow we were having such a good time and shouting from the rooftops for anyone who wanted to join us.

It felt a little like when we were back in our clubbing days and texting throughout the week as the next ride was chosen (I added the list of rides to a random name picker app to determine the ride each week).

We just wrapped up the year last Friday with #usher and already have #linkinpark lined up for this coming Friday. We hope they keep adding rides as we have done most of them.

If you want to join us - we ride every Friday at 6pm ET.

So many amazing rides
MOST FAVORITE RIDES: This was not an easy question for any of us, we each had a hard time picking just one, but my sister went with #fleetwoodmac and Justine went with #foofighters and I keep going through them all and am so torn, but would have to say #foofighters also. I have taken that ride numerous times, it is simply amazing, but the ride this year was super sad as we did so as a tribute to #taylorhawkins - we miss you.

I’ve taken some rides not seen here, and the #billieeilish ride was incredible, too!

My old school heart loved #davidbowie too ⚡️ 

The trips down memory lane were always pretty awesome, and #weezer I think surprised us most, what a fun ride!

On a personal note: I ride to help keep my mobility as someone #livingwithlipedema that is not easy, but I learned I ride to help keep my sanity, too. A full #mindbody experience.

We think Lizzo was the only artist with 2 rides?!

FUN FACT: I think #Lizzo is the only artist with 2 Rides?! We took both!

Thank you @onepeloton for your Artist Series!

Here is to continued Friday Night Rides w/ Us in 2023 - they may not be Artist series rides, but they will all be fun!

#pelotonateverysize #lipedemafitness #mindfulmovement #moveyourlymph 

One of these rides was not an artist series but was so fun!

Closing out the year with some epic rides.