Friday, August 23, 2019

Can an Orbital Buffer Really Help My Lipedema?

Using an Orbital Buffer to ease sore muscles, break down fibrotic tissue and improve lymphatic function.
Did you know athletes have been using car buffers (like this Black and Decker WP900) as a massage tool for years?

I didn’t until a few days ago - when I thankfully learned about it from the Living with Lipedema: Stages 3 & 4 Facebook support group I belong to. 

Another example of how important support groups are, and how important those that share what they are trying are, even something as "crazy" as this idea can be helpful to many. Keep sharing!!!

Athletes are using these buffers to help recover after a hard workout, it feels really good to ease a tired muscle, but massaging muscles post workout can also decrease inflammation caused by the workout, and thus your muscles recover faster.

Another reason they use these massagers is because they help to break up fibrosis.

Fibrosis is a big concern with Lipedema, too, and anti-fibrotic treatments, such as a handheld massager like this, can be used to break up that fibrotic tissue.

As Lipedema progresses, we develop Lymphedema, and chronic inflammation causes fibrosis.

Anti-fibrotic treatments include deep tissue massage. Which can be done by a trained Physical Therapist, or at home with tools like a foam roller, rolling pin, tiger tail, or even a hard lacrosse ball, that you can roll between you and a wall/floor to really target a specific area - or even, it seems, an orbital buffer). 

With all things, you have to seek out what is best for you. Do your research and see what others have tried, and what is available in your area.

The best place to start is with a trained Physical Therapist, someone who knows about Lipedema and can assist you with various treatments. But as you might have learned it is not always easy to find someone knowledgeable in your area, or able to afford continual treatments, especially if our insurance doesn't cover them, so like with everything else, we usually have to find self care options we can do at home, and this is one I'll be trying.

Check out this article for a wealth of information on "Understanding Fibrosis in Lipedema" by Karen Ashforth.

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