Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Let Go of the Blame: Having Lipedema is Not a Personal Failure

I read this over the weekend, let go of the blame.

This statement was two fold for me, a great reminder that our diagnosis is not a personal failure (even though our society might try to shame us into believing our actions are the reason for our shape); but also, that treatments, supplements, etc. that do not work are also NOT a personal failure. 

We are so different and have been learning how we present differently, and respond to treatments, supplements, eating styles, exercise, etc. differently. 

Think about how that can be so damaging emotionally. 

To continually try new things and continually not see results, that not only those without Lipedema see, but even those with Lipedema might see.

It is a constant effort to be compassionate to ourselves. Sharing with each other makes us stronger physically and emotionally.


(Original Lipedema Fitness Instagram post date September 2020)

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Lipedema Fitness: How to Modify Workouts

Had an interesting conversation with my coach re. how someone without a trainer could learn how to modify a workout?

It came about, as part of the workout yesterday was a 1/2 mile run (with a minute rest) followed by 1/2 mile run.

Running is not a good movement for me, so right away my first MOD is to walk. 

But how far? What is the equivalent WORK for me vs. my training mates, for whom running is a fine movement?

The easiest MOD I’ve come up with over the years is time - I walk for the same time as my training mates run.

It keeps us doing the movements of the workout at roughly the same time, ensuring we get in all the components of the workout. 

Whereas if I did it “as prescribed” I would take longer, and miss the next movement(s) of the workout.

A lot goes into the WORK Coach plans for his clients who have a wide range of abilities. He really is brilliant.

But what if you don’t have a coach? What if you don’t have mates to time yourself by? How can you modify the WORK?

This came up when I was recently traveling. 

Coach said:


If I want to do the same WORK I can simplify this down, as a way for me to calculate it on my own.

When moving our bodies through space (running, walking, etc) is part of the workout, the FORCE would = my body weight (times) the DISTANCE as prescribed. Which would give me the WORK I needed to calculate. Then I could adjust the DISTANCE to get to the same WORK as my training mates…


100lb athlete x 1 mile = 100 mi lb

200lb athlete x 1 mile = 200 mi lb

300lb athlete x 1 mile = 300 mi lb

400lb athlete x 1 mile = 400 mi lb


If the goal is 100 mi lb of WORK, you do the math to calculate the distance

100lb athlete = 1 mile

200lb athlete = 1/2 mile

300lb athlete = 1/3 mile

400lb athlete = 1/4 mile


It is not perfect, it doesn’t take your abilities into consideration, but is a starting place.

Once you have a starting place, you can determine how much WORK you can do, and then you work on improving that. Not comparing yourself to your mates, but to yourself as you get stronger, increase mobility, etc. 💕

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Lipedema Fitness: Finding your Flow


Flow. Great word, right? 

It has been showing up in my world a lot lately…

As a Lipedema patient Lymph FLOW is a daily thought, how can I make sure I keep my lymph flowing?

It is one of the most important considerations / treatments we do every single day. #movethatlymph 

Lately FLOW has surfaced in my art practice - I’m following daily prompts from the amazing @josielewisart 

The first day was suggested to watch Josie’s #tedtalk - which I did, and learned about the psychological aspects of FLOW, and how it is used in healing.

I’ve always turned to art as a way of emotional healing, so it wasn’t surprising to learn how tapping into creative (or physical) FLOW is therapeutic on many levels.

Have you ever felt so into what you were doing, that the rest of the world faded away? 

For me that happens when making art or writing (even making this graphic, out of artwork I made while in the flow). For others it can happen during a race, playing music, even during work.

The Hungarian-American Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, recognized and named the psychological concept of flow - describing it as a complete state of total immersion in an activity, one you enjoy so much, that nothing else matters. 

The rest of the world falls away.

I love the idea of getting so into something that it can bring you that level of joy, a flow that elevates you. 

I have been thinking about how we can get to this place of FLOW on a daily basis, as a way to take a break from our worlds when they get overwhelming. 

Things like deep breathing come to mind, meditation, yoga, all things we do as a way to move our lymph, but what if we had a different intension in mind while we did it? 

I get this with reiki during my daily self care. It is an effortless way for me to focus on the FLOW, and take my mind out of the “work” and more into the feel and healing.

Have you felt that flow before? What were you doing, and how can we get into flow on a daily basis?