Friday, August 23, 2024

Lipedema, Inflammation and Dry Eyes, Oh My!

Earlier this month I shared how abruptly coming off Wegovy (due to insurance denial) caused an inflammation surge in my body, and one of the results was a very painful Dry Eye flare up.

It was so painful. If you have not experienced it before, For me it feels like something is in my eye that I cannot get out, tears streaming down my face, I couldn’t keep the eye open as it gets super sensitive to light, causes a nasty headache, and my eye feels so swollen, and inflamed, just plain ouchie, in all the ways.

I was surprised when I researched inflammation and dry eye syndrome - that there was indeed a connection. I read they even describe dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease (DED) as a vicious cycle of inflammation.

I had learned about DED during perimenopause a few years ago.  Did you know DED is a common symptom of menopause, due to the hormone changes we experience? Like 61% of us, common.

But nobody was talking about possible connection to lipedema, or more specifically, living with chronic inflammation. 

I’ve been more aware of inflammation since menopause, as it has been showing up more in my body, and also in my face/head. The almost overnight inflammation reduction with Wegovy was one of the first things I experienced. So having the inflammation come flooding back, and going through some very painful, seemingly unconnected symptoms, has made the last month extra challenging.

Thankfully the Lipedema Community had great suggestions for DED relief - from supplements, to moisture drops, to the Bruder Eye Mask - thank you delirious4dolphins for recommending it 😍 I purchased the mask and added it to my nightly vibration/meditation self care routine. 

The mask is a moist heat compress that I microwave for 20 seconds on a small plate, and then place over my closed eyes, and it feels really nice. Very soothing. It gets a little too hot right out of he microwave, so I just massage it in my hand for a few seconds to cool it down.

The warmth of the mask causes the oils in our meibomian glands to flow, the oils are the outer protective layer of our tear film that keeps the tears from drying up too fast. Which also helps reduce inflammation and bacteria, which are, you guessed it, common causes of DED.

When you take the mask off, your vision can be blurry (their website says that is due to the oils flowing), it does clear up in a few minutes. But was alarming at first.

Grateful to our lipedema community. Sharing things we deal with, and what we find helpful, is so important, even when we think they may not be connected to lipedema. I realized after purchasing this mask that it is the same mask my eye specialist recommended (number one recommend DED treatment by Optometrists) when I was initially dealing with dry eyedness during peri menopause, I even found the original one in my bathroom closet, but the way delirious4dolphins described it in her comment on my Instagram post made such sense.

Didn’t think I could add more to my nightly self care routine, it is already jammed packed with vibration plate, meditation, deep breathing, self MLD, big 6, etc., but the mask is such a perfect match. It is so soothing and makes the self care routine more enjoyable. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Rebounding MODs

We know #rebounding is a wonderful way to be active with #lipedema and #lymphedema - even gentle bouncing (where our feet don’t leave the surface of the trampoline) is really good for our #lymphaticsystem and is gentle on our joints.

If you have balance issues adding in a support bar to hold on to is a great MOD, and most manufacturers have them. 

Maybe your balance or mobility require you to be seated, then sitting on a #yogaball or #stabilityball is a wonderful MOD, and they make them super heavy duty now (I’ve seen some are anti-burst up to a 1000lbs).

But did you know you don’t need any equipment? 

You can bounce on the floor with just your body. Many like doing it barefoot, but in cute sneakers like these gorgeous green #cariuma sneakers is good, too. Or whatever brand you like. You can hold on to your kitchen sink or bounce in a doorframe, if you need more support.

In addition to helping move our lymphatics, gentle bouncing can improve our cardiovascular health, strengthens bones, pelvic floor, and muscles and it releases endorphins!!! 

People ask me do I wear compression and sneakers when rebounding, and my personal preference is yes to both. My legs need the support of my compression and it gives my muscles something to work against, and my feet and ankles need the support of my sneakers. 

Others may choose not to wear their compression and/or sneakers and keep all shoe to determine what is best for each of us. But if you bounce on a trampoline without sneakers the surface may be slippery with compression but not hey make grippy socks and those are recommended by the trampoline companies to prevent slipping/falling.

Do you bounce? What is your favorite song to bounce to? Mine still has to be #dancemonkey it is a great cadence for me. But I really need a new rebounder, the squeak of mine distracts me too much, or my family if I have headphones on 😂😁

Another one of my favorite bouncing MODs is in the pool!!!