Friday, August 26, 2022

Lipedema Fitness: Peloton App

You know I share my peloton rides here a lot, I love them! (FYI: We have a group ride tonight at 6pm if you want to join us - I am LipedemaFitness on the peloton leaderboard). I have been using the @onepeloton app for almost 2 years now, and guess what? 

I don’t have a #peloton bike!

Did you know you can get the app without the bike? 

You can use your own bike (or even an under desk elliptical, like I’ve been using while rehabbing my knee). The bottom two pics are what I personally use with the peloton app… the #Exerpeutic 675 XLS folding bike I got off Amazon and the #cubii under desk elliptical. 

You also have access to all the trainers and all the classes, not just the cycling ones! 

Classes like #strength #yoga #cardio even #meditation and seven others to choose from.

I have even used the treadmill classes while walking in place, with no equipment at all!

You do have to modify, like I can’t stand on either piece of the equipment I use, and you don’t have all the same controls (resistance and cadence are more trial and error to match the trainer’s instructions, but coach got me setup with a #wahoocadencesensor and it helped me figure it out to an extent).

My sister has the Peloton bike and loves it! I was limited by its cost and weight limit. The stationary bike I bought was under $300 dollars with a weight limit of 400lbs. I think it has gone up some, but I have had it since May of 2020 and would buy it again… and do you see that seat!

I have no connection to Peloton, other than I am a big fan of their app, it has been a game changer for me physically and emotionally ♥️🚴🏻‍♀️

#pelotonateverysize #lipedemafitness 

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